Free Games

These games are available for free download. They are original, created by Phil Taylor, and are designed for relaxation and mental stimulus.
They do not use internet access, being fully self-contained, and are in Zipped form, which prevents the intrusion of viruses or other malware.

A wordlist (words15.txt) is included, and this should be placed in the same folder as any of the wod-games.

There are eight games, the first five of which are variations on popular "word-games", with a few twists that make them more enjoyable. The rest are simple brain-exercise games.

  1. Alchemy: A single-player game where you transform a word into another related word, by adding, removing or changing one letter at a time, with the minimum number of changes. Best scores are kept (on your computer) for each word-pair, with the player's name, as presented by the player.
  2. Cobble: Up to four players compete to "cobble" words from a set of seven of their own tiles, plus a set of seven "spare" tiles. Tiles have individual values, and scores are based on these values and the length of the words.
  3. Ripple: A game for two players, who try to find words in a "grid" of slowly-changing letters. A "bonus" is built while the grid is changing. Words may run and twist in any direction, and letters may be re-used. Re-used letters score extra points. When a player claims a word, they have a set time to enter their word, otherwise penalties apply.
  4. Target: A game where up to four players try to form new words from a scrambled "base" word of 5, 7 or 9 letter-tiles. Scores depend on length of the word, and each inclusion of the central letter re-doubles that word's score. The "base" word scores extra points.
  5. Worm: Two players take turns to add a letter to a given "seed" letter, placing it at the front, end or anywhere between, forming the "worm" word. They must always have a potential word in mind (and can be challenged on this), but must not actually complete a word (this can also be challenged). The "worm" can also be "flipped", or reversed, before adding a letter. Points are scored based on the length of the "worm".
  6. Recall: A single- or two-player memory and recall improvement game, where they try to find all the matching pairs of tiles in a grid of 18, 20, 30 or 42 tiles, in as few tries as possible. They pick two tiles, which are then shown, and if matched, they are removed; otherwise they are re-hidden.
  7. PegSol: A board of 7x7 cells is displayed, most of these occupied by pegs. Using the mouse, players try to remove all pegs (except one) by jumping another peg over them. There are 3 Modes of play, each with different directions for jumps.
  8. MathMatch: Players are each dealt ten cards with values from -25 to +25 (or lower values if selected), and five Tableau cards are also displayed. Players take turns to select one or more cards from their own hand that add up to one of the Tableau cards. If they match any Tableau card, they score points based on the values of their picks. If not, they score zero. They are allowed three re-starts for their picks, and one Hint is available, (but it costs one restart).
Click the Free Games Link below to download the games, and unzip all of the files (using 7Zip or another unzipping tool) to a folder of your choosing.
The WordLists directory, containing 26 lists of words, is optional for the word-games, but must be kept inside that folder if it is to be used.
The games are played from each of the eight .exe files. Shortcuts to these may be placed on your desktop, or wherever you prefer.


Free Games Link

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