The telephone is recorded as being invented by Alexander Graham Bell, in 1874. I'm not sure if they named the telephone bell after him or not. In fact, he actually invented TWO telephones (think about it).
Early Magneto Phone |
In my chidhood days (1940s), the 'phone was a box with a bell on top, a transmitter at the front to speak into and a hook at the side to hold the receiver. It also had a small handle on the other side connected to a small "magneto", or generator. When you turned the handle it generated a signal to tell the "operator" you wished to make a call. The operator asked who you wished to speak to, tested that line to make sure it was free, and connected your line to it by inserting plugs.
But technology was being developed to replace the cords with several rows of switches. Small steps?
Later, the automatic telephone exchange replaced most operators (some functions, such as "trunk" calls and calls to other areas were still carried out by them), and the rotary dial was introduced. This had the digits 1 to 0 on a disk on the front of the telephone. The disk was rotated until the required digit was at the stop-position and released, sending a series of pulses to the exchange. The exchange equipment counted these pulses and connected the line accordingly. The called phone was rung and ring tone was returned to the caller if the line was free, to indicate their call's progress. If it was busy, busy tone was returned to them. Magic!
Nowadays, telephony is only one function of many telephones, especially portable ones. They have cameras, answering services, message-storing, GPS navigation and even internet access on an instrument small enough to fit in the pocket.
Later, electronic circuits were made that gave better output and control of the sound. Then, an improved type of record was made that also moved the needle from side to side, allowing two sounds to be created at once.
Our choice of electronic sound-producing devices was limited to round speakers - the bigger it was, the better the sound, theoretically. Speaker quality improved, and small ones (around 3 inch) were used for higher sounds and large ones (up to about 12 inch) for lower sounds. They were referred to as "tweeters" and "woofers" respectively.
Volume and clarity were not the only things to be improved. Electronic filters were built that allowed selected frequency-ranges to be output from different speakers, at different positions, so for instance the low sound of a bassoon would be heard from one position, while the higher sounds of the violin would be heard from another. This was named "stereophonic" sound.
My first computer - a ZX81
A modern basic computer system Computers were virtually non-existent, at least, in the public domain, in my younger days: Colossus was the world's first electronic digital programmable computer, and was built in 1943, the year of my birth. I'd like to think my arrival prompted this! My first computer, which I bought in kit form for $199 in 1982 was a Sinclair ZX81. It had 1kb of memory but I bought the "luxury" version with 16kb (16384 bytes) of memory. It used casette tapes to load and save programmes and had a black and white display that was sent to a TV screen. Text mode was 22 lines of 32 characters, and graphics were restricted to solid blocks of 1/4 of a character size. It used a programming language called Sinclair Basic, which was considered quite good at the time.
People who worked in the technical fields were able to type in programmes in "machine code", a very cryptic language indeed using only numbers, and this gave access to much finer graphics - 512x384 pixels, or dots.
Compare this with todays household computer with maybe 2 terabytes (two million million, or 2,000,000,000,000 bytes) of memory, graphics of 1920x1080 pixels, and several million colours, multi-channel sound, and files that are loaded and saved from DVDs or external drives that hold terabytes of data. Or, you can send it to "the cloud" for storage, freeing up your own computer's storage space.
The arrival of the Single Lens Reflex camera, fixed this problem as the viewer actually looked out through the lens, and what you saw was what you got (sort of early days WYSIWYG?).
Film cost was a big consideration when deciding whether or not a "shot" was worth taking as film rolls only allowed 12, 24 or 36 pictures per roll. Once taken, that part of the film couldn't be used again - even if it was just a very close shot of your thumb! When the roll of film was finished you took it to the chemist's shop and they sent it away to be developed (unless you had your own darkroom and did it yourself).
Later, electronic cameras arrived which used solid-state devices instead of roll film, to create "digital" photos, which have the great advantage of never changing due to fading or mould etc. Electronic cameras allow several hundreds or thousands of photos to be taken on one "chip", printed or downloaded to your computer, then the chip re-used. So users could snap happily away, sometimes taking the same shot several times to ensure a good result, with no extra cost.
The reduction in size has allowed most mobile phones these days to have one or more quite sophisticated cameras built into them.
The arrival of digital cameras brought about the virtual demise, around 2013, of photographic film companies such as Kodak, Ilford and Agfa.
Some were able to change their production-model to produce things like synthetic paper for ID cards, radiology film, and inkjet and colour-printing items.
Interestingly, Kodak, one of the first of the photographic film companies, was also largely responsible for the creation of digital photography, which then caused their own closure.
But eventually, we heard about people with this new invention in their homes, and the lucky ones were able to see it operating by visiting a rich neighbour. It left most of us gob-smacked that pictures were able to be produced on the front of a box, without a projector. Sure, they were only black and white, and they were very streaky, but they could move!
Then, someone had the brilliant idea of adding colour to the pictures. This was done by attaching a plastic sheet to the front of the screen, with a blue band at the top (for sky) and a green band at the bottom (for grass). Of course, this didn't work very well, due to the amount of film footage that had neither sky nor grass.
Later, colour transmission was achieved, and this was accepted more and more as prices fell. A development that accompanied this was 3-dimensional viewing. This was done by the viewer wearing a pair of "3D glasses" which had one green and one red lens. This gave the impression that the picture was being viewed from two different points, giving the 3D effect.
Clocks, Controllers and Timers
Then electricity came along, and we no longer had to wind them at all. Some retained their analogue face-and-hands display, while others adopted a new, digital display that gave the time in hours and minutes and if desired, seconds.
As they became more stable, with battery backup when power failed, they began to be used to control devices directly. They were built into ovens and similar appliances, allowing these to be started and stopped during our absence.
Watering of gardens became less of a hit-and-miss affair, with controllers being developed that not only started and stopped at a selected time, but, with the use of solenoids (electrically controlled taps) we could water several areas at different times, for different lengths of time, and on varied days. They could even skip days when rain had recently fallen.
Nowadays, it's difficult to name an area of our lives that isn't controlled by a timer or automatic controller of some sort.
Of course, daylight saving is a whole 'nother story with several parts of a country using different times depending on their geographical position. I bet even the cows get confused about their milking time!
You can even link some to your home security system, to alert you of a fire or break-in! And you don't have to wind them up!
ReplyDeleteAsk your kids about wind-up! There are very few toys - or anything else - that are wind-up these days!
DeleteThanks for the comment.
Out of curiosity, I went to this web site "Olden Days Kids".
ReplyDeleteVery interesting !
Theese observations of changing times, of evolving customs, of ever-changing technology is a beautiful message to remind us that our life unfolds like steps on a sandbank at the edge of the ocean.
Our traces end up disappearing, and what remains are memories and nostalgia.
Collecting these digital memories simply reminds us of our human condition.
Euklides (France)
Thanks euklides. Glad you enjoyed the visit.
DeletePlease call again.